Comments on: What is my objective with social media? University of Nebraska-Lincoln Tue, 18 Aug 2015 17:26:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alice Henneman Thu, 24 Apr 2014 01:57:43 +0000 My accounts are a blend of personal and professional as I know several professional people who aren’t “public personalities” and we can have a better dialogue on my personal account. I don’t know if it matters as much on twitter unless you are tweeting as the representative of a company. I have noticed that some people have created both types of Facebook accounts, especially after they have written a book or something similar so they can keep their “fans” separate from the interactions they have with peers and friends. I would consider this if I were in a similar situation … however, I’m not. One thing I sorta do on Facebook is separate out who sees my posts … some are public, allowing others to share them anywhere. Others just go to friends. I could further segment them … so I would consider that if I wanted to say something to just one group, such as just family members.

By: Maureen Burson Tue, 22 Apr 2014 16:43:25 +0000 Great insights Deb — I think many of us struggle with the public/private balance. When teaching Co-Parenting online and onsite, parents “engage” when they know that the teachers are “real people” who care …the online dialogue with teachers has been a valued part of the class. For the Home Wise Family Smart Lancaster blog, Soni inspired me to include a family picture…this was a leap!

By: jenreesources Tue, 22 Apr 2014 15:57:33 +0000 Deb, Thank you for your thoughts! What you’re ultimately talking about is engagement and we need to do so just as you said-using every type of media form including social media. People want to connect to a real person on social media. We know we are trusted as real people in our communities so I think we need to be real people on social media as well-while at the same time being wise about what we share.

I’ve found by being myself but also sharing information from UNL Extension, I have increased engagement with my customers. Because I’ve shared my experiences and heart as a military wife, people connect with me as a person as well as a professional-and often those posts get the most reaction from people. Personally, I didn’t set up two different accounts even though it was recommended. I’ve tried to keep everything more on the professional side except for Facebook which I use for both. My ultimate goal for social media is to drive customers to UNL Extension websites and information and engage customers to repeatedly come to us for information. Thanks for you post Deb!

By: dkahl00 Tue, 22 Apr 2014 15:42:37 +0000 Reblogged this on Innovative Tips for Entrepreneurs and commented:

My co-worker poses interesting questions and thoughts about the purpose of social media.

By: unlextension Tue, 22 Apr 2014 15:29:27 +0000 Deb–
I have struggled with this also. I have a hard enough time keeping one Facebook page and one Twitter feed, let alone two. I post professional things to our Facebook page for work, and private things to my friends and family. Many times they are the same thing! If I see a great way to get kids to eat vegetables, I post it on both sites. I try to post family pics and brewery/winery tours to f/f also, but again, sometimes the info is great for both. It’s a fine line, and I am assuming it will get more blurred as time goes on. When you figure this out–let me know!
