Utilizing Multiple Modes of Delivery – IYCC

Yesterday I was supposed to meet with youth and sponsors for the Innovative Youth Corn Challenge; however due to the weather, we met via the web. Utilizing Adobe Connect was probably a blessing in disguise, since now I have a recorded video for those who were unable to join and actually had a decent number of participants. To try and make the webinar more interactive, I created a word search using ProProfs Brain Game website and have an interactive game for my CropWatch-Youth website now too!


In addition, I was able to post updates on the IYCC FaceBook page and use that to draw people to the IYCC website. This is a very easy concept, but just thought I’d share, how technology can solve weather related issues!  

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1 Response to Utilizing Multiple Modes of Delivery – IYCC

  1. dvarner1 says:

    Great example of using new Extension delivery methods!

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