Hi everyone, trying out my first blog post on here.
Thought you mind need a smile on this cold, damp, winter like day. I recently watched this TED video (http://www.ted.com/talks/keller_rinaudo_a_mini_robot_powered_by_your_phone.html?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=image__2013-04-09).
I think you too may enjoy it, it is less than 6 minutes.
I think this may be the best gift for the person who has everything. Keller, the speaker, also provides an example of how it can be used for distance family communication – such a fun idea.
After watching, are any of you interested in the possibility of purchasing one? Does the idea of it being connected to other robots scare or excite you?
We all need to be thinking about this…making technology affordable to all…and realizing that not everyone that uses technology is going to have to have in-depth programming skills.