Trends with Teens

Curious about what is really going on with today’s youth?  This webinar will highlight key youth trends from national data sets.  A time for discussion about implications and programming delivery will also be included in the webinar. 

michellekrehbielMichelle Krehbiel

Michelle Krehbiel, PhD, is a youth development specialist and associate professor at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln Extension 4-H Youth Development.  Her work focuses on creating positive youth development environments in out-of-school and informal education settings. Other programming and research efforts include: promoting good health habits in youth and working with vulnerable youth populations.  She has received grants from USDA Children, Youth and Families at Risk Grant and numerous healthy living grants from National 4-H Council. Michelle worked for K-State Research and Extension as the Family and Consumer Sciences Agent in Riley County where she operated the county’s Expanded Family Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and the Family Nutrition Program.  Michelle received her BS in Home Economics Education from Bethel College, North Newton, KS and MS and PhD from Kansas State University in Family Studies and Human Services.  She is a certified family life educator (CFLE) and a member of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences and National Council of Family Relations.

Join us on August 14th at 10:00 CT at

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