Mobile Web Applications for Everyone

Looking for a quick and easy way to to collect data or distribute information to the masses?  Mobile apps have become the tool of choice for many, yet development can be difficult and expensive.  This presentations will demonstrate how to bring together Google Sheets with GlideApps to develop a free yet effective mobile web app.  We will step through the process of creating a web app as well as discussing some applications for this program.

Our clinician will be Christopher Fletcher, Technology Coordinator for Nebraska City Public Schools.

Join us Tuesday, July 9 at 10:00 CT at

Posted in Communication, technology | 1 Comment

Backwards Design

If you missed today’s session on backwards design, here is the link:

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Do I need an IRB review for this?

I know I have been in these conversations before….ones where we were discussing whether what we were doing was human subjects research or just assessment-based program improvement. As researchers we want to make sure that we are conducting research in a responsible way where we are not harming any of our human subjects….so sometimes this is a tricky question.  Anyway, a while back, I contacted Rachel Wenzl from the University of Nebraska’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) to try to figure out if a research project that I’m embarking on was in fact research (because the participants are fellow extension educators and the intent of our project was to improve educator practices), and she provided me this great link to help us decide.

Thought I would share it with all of you!  ENJOY!!!!

Posted in Institutional Review Board, Scholarship/Creative Work, Translational Research | Leave a comment

Advanced Zoom Training

Thank you to those of you that joined us yesterday for Donald Robertson’s Advanced Zoom Training.  For those of you unable to join us, here is the link to the recording:

If you would like to contact Donald for specific information regarding Zoom, he can be reached at .

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Using Backward Design & Authentic Learning to Build Curricula from Competencies

Join Next Generation Extension on June 11th at 10:00 AM CT at

UNMC College of Public Health was faced with big changes in accreditation criteria and found the need to move from faculty-centered teaching and discipline-based content towards student-centered learning and outcome-based curriculum that was integrated and built around competencies. UNMC began by mapping competencies to courses, but a big question kept resurfacing was “how do we assess the competencies we’re mapping?” Learn how UNMC used backward design to create new courses and existing courses through authentic assessments to meet the new competencies.

Choose this presentation because:

  • You wish to learn about the Backward Design Process and how it relates to course design.
  • You wish to learn how to gain faculty buy-in to this new format.
  • You are interested in seeing examples of authentic learning assessments.

Clinicians are:  Christine M. Arcari, Ph.D. (UNMC), Analisa McMillan (UNMC)

Posted in Delivery Strategies, Evaluation, Teaching | Leave a comment

Marketing Extension Webinar

If you missed our webinar this month on Marketing Extension…here’s the link.

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Innovation in Pedagogy and Technology Symposium

I can not recommend this symposium enough for professional development within Extension.  If you are interested at all in using technology to reach new audiences or to learn about new technologies that other instructors have used…then this opportunity is for you. Hope to see you there!

May 7, 2019 | Innovation in Pedagogy and Technology Symposium

Technology has forever changed the landscape of higher education and continues to do so. At the University of Nebraska, we strive to embrace that change to enhance both teaching and learning, provide key support systems and meet institutional goals.

Each year, the University of Nebraska Information Technology Services and University of Nebraska Online present an education and technology symposium. With the symposium, we strive to offer University of Nebraska faculty and staff the opportunity to hear from nationally recognized experts, share their experiences and learn from the initiatives of colleagues from across the system.

Reserve your spot. Register today for the 2019 Innovation in Pedagogy and Technology Symposium.

Attendees will gain:

  • Insight from nationally recognized influencers in distance education.
  • Pragmatic wisdom from colleagues and details about initiatives that have been brought to life at the University of Nebraska.
  • Networking and collaboration opportunities with others involved in online and distance education.

Additional Information:

The Innovation in Pedagogy and Technology Symposium takes place Tuesday, May 7, 2019, at the Cornhusker Marriott in Lincoln, Nebraska. It is offered at no-cost to University of Nebraska administrators, faculty and staff.

Follow  #NUSymp19 on Twitter for more information about the event.


Posted in New Audiences, Teaching, technology | Leave a comment

Mixing Up Your Marketing Efforts: It’s Easy as PIE

Please join Next Generation Extension on April 9th at 10:00 AM CT at  for this awesome webinar!

Mixing Up Your Marketing Efforts: It’s Easy as PIE

When Extension professionals are busy completing many different roles and working in an assortment of settings, how can they feasibly add marketing to their diverse list of duties? It’s as easy as PIE! In this session, participants will learn to “Plan” a relevant communications strategy that will attract and retain program participants, how to best “Implement” this plan through strategic marketing tactics, and how to “Evaluate” the effectiveness of their efforts. Activities will assist participants with shaping a basic strategic content marketing plan for the Extension program of their choice.

Our clinician will be Tracy Pracheil!

Posted in Communication, Delivery Strategies, marketing, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Advanced Zoom Training

Join us on May 14th at 10:00 AM CT at for Advanced Zoom Training!

This Next Generation Extension webinar will look beyond the basics of Zoom meetings and Webinars. We’ll explore some of the more advanced features available in Zoom such as: Break Out Rooms, Whiteboard, Q&A, Polling and specific Webinar features.  Our clinician will be Donald Robertson, Collaboration Technology Associate with the University of Nebraska Information Technology Services.

Posted in Communication, Delivery Strategies, Teaching, technology, Web-based Learning | Leave a comment

Innovation in Technology & Pedagogy Symposium

If you haven’t participated in this University of Nebraska professional development opportunity…I’m blogging about it as it’s a total win!  All UN campuses are represented at the Innovation in Technology & Pedagogy Symposium and it provides you, the educator, a great opportunity to learn about what our colleagues are doing across the state.  And, the date is set, join me at the Cornhusker Marriott in Lincoln on May 7th!  Registration will be opening soon…and I’ll try to share it on the blog too!

Each year, the best educators from our state and beyond share what they are doing to utilize technology to engage their students better…or how they are changing their pedagogy (method of teaching) to improve the impact they have on their students.  There also is a track on technology administration (not sure how many of you would be interested in that…although I have attended some of those sessions as well).  Several years ago….they even had a representative from Creative Commons talking about how to seek out, utilize, and cite creative commons media (video, pictures, documents). …It was amazing!

Mark it on your calendar….May 7th at the Cornhusker!

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