Making a Movie for YouTube

Alice's YouTube Channel - read on to learn how to create your own channel and movies!

Alice’s YouTube Channel – read on to learn how to create your own channel and movies!

Create your own YouTube Channel PLUS learn some easy ways to make movies. Here’s how I created mine and some techniques that worked for me. View the slides I showed June 11, 2013 at the Next Generation Webinar on creating a YouTube Channel and two ways of making videos. 

Sample Movie Made with Windows Movie Maker

(FYI: Directions for embedding a YouTube Video into WordPressespecially check how to disable related videos)

Sample Movie Made with PowerPoint 2010

How to Make Basic Movies and Create a YouTube Channel

(FYI - directions for embedding SlideShare slides into WordPress: Be sure to UNCHECK “Without related content” )

Templates for UNL Logo and Copyright Slides

(NOTE: The follow slides are for use by UNL Extension Staff only.) I’ve made the following slides downloadable so UNL Extension staff can use it to create logo and copyright slides as described in the slides on making a movie. (NOTE: I did the credits differently for the movie I developed cooperatively with Extension in another state.)

Questions or Comments?

I’ll be happy to help! Feel free to email me at

See you in the movies! Please share your comments, suggestions, etc. on this topic! Alice Henneman, MS, RD, Extension Educator

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