Tag Archives: online learning

Fall Conference Reflections

There were several great moments at Fall Conference, but this particular poll struck a note with me.  I find the results of this fall conference poll fascinating.  And, while the poll was fascinating to me, it left me wondering all … Continue reading

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Emerging Technologies for Online Learning

We know that people have different learning styles and to keep the learner engaged, educators should use a variety of delivery methods. We have an opportunity to learn about Emerging Technologies for Online Learning through several virtual workshops.   Marie Barber,  … Continue reading

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Beyond School: An Education Week Webinar

I receive an email newsletters from Education Week and thought this one had particular importance to Extension.  Could the experiences we provide learners become expanded learning opportunities that are available for-credit in either high schools or colleges? Education is undergoing … Continue reading

Posted in Delivery Strategies, Scholarship/Creative Work, Teaching, Web-based Learning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Going Global: Extension is Online

I am actually participating in the first webinar in this eXtension series as I write this post.  UNL Extension’s Quality Assurance and Co-Parenting courses have both been used as examples (yeah!!).  There are also other great examples of how Extension … Continue reading

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So if you have wondered a little about taking an online course to learn how you might consider teaching your Extension programs online, try checking out http://www.class-central.com . Class Central is an online database of MOOC’s available.

Posted in Delivery Strategies, Scholarship/Creative Work, Teaching, Web-based Learning | Tagged , | 2 Comments