Educational Remix – Utilizing Technology in the Classroom

To engage youth, I wanted to create an educational lesson with a different spin by incorporating digital media and technology into a healthy foods lesson… an Educational Remix for Trail Mix.

The Beatrice Middle School FCS teacher invited me to speak to her 7th grade classes about blogging. I decided to teach the youth about merging nutrition, digital media, and technology. Through this activity, youth learned about the following:

  • Healthy Snack Options
    • How to Make a Healthy Trail Mix
  • Connection Between Media and Health
    • Traditional vs. Digital Forms
    • Media Persuasion
  • 3 Main Purposes of Media
    • Persuade
    • Inform
    • Entertain
  • What is a blog?
  • Tips for Writing a Great Blog Post

Each group created a healthy trail mix while a student captured the process with photos and created a “hook” paragraph. The students loved using the iPads to take photos and write their blog using the Pages app, which they were able to include their photos right into their blog post. Due to the 46-minute class period, they did not completely finish their blog, but they were able to practice the procedure and complete most steps. It was easy to see they met the educational learning objectives by looking at their written blog posts on the iPad. Check out my video impact report for the Educational Remix:

I also created a promotional video to help individuals remix their snacks with a trail mix. The recipe is included that I used during the classroom experience. It turned out to be a great way to promote a quick and easy option for a healthy snack.

UNL Extension in Gage County received a grant to help purchase 10 iPads for our office to use in educational programs, which helped me to incorporate technology into a nutrition lesson that the youth loved doing. Let me know if you have any other questions.

-Kayla Colgrove, UNL Extension Educator

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