56 Gigabytes Baby! …FREE!

If you’ve been thinking you would like to use cloud storage for some files (so you can access them anywhere…and share the documents and collaborate with your colleagues)…and your free DropBox account is always full….UNL announced this morning that faculty and staff now have free access to 56 Gigabytes of storage through Box.  To access your Box account, go to http://box.unl.edu and:

1) Click the Box login button

2) Click the “Continue” button as University of Nebraska-Lincoln

3) Enter MyUNL username and password

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One Response to 56 Gigabytes Baby! …FREE!

  1. chibberd1 says:

    This is wonderful technology. We are asking Extension professionals to hold off for just a bit as we create a collaboration platform for use of Box (coming soon).

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