

Help us name the ‪#‎HappyOrchard‬ characters at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HappyOrchard

This weekend at AppleJack, participants will have the opportunity to help us name the characters from Happy Orchard AND they will be able to step up to the Happy Orchard Tweet Spot to share their pics with us.

How is this Next Generation Extension?

Well when we are talking about how to measure the impact of apps, the Kimmel Education & Research Center team has developed a fabulous tool for assessing impact.  Participants that download the Happy Orchard app (available soon), or help to name the Happy Orchard app characters will be given wildflower seed packets (equate this to surveys mailed).  We know that each seed packet will plant a 10 square foot area.  By following #HappyOrchard we can determine how many of the seed packets were planted (equate this to survey completions), and use that number to calculate the area of new wildflower plantings…AKA pollinator habitats!

So, help us get started with our goal of helping the world understand how important pollinators are to our food system…. visit http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HappyOrchard and help us give the Happy Orchard characters really cool names!

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