Help us Grow Happy Orchard!

We are having a blast at Kimmel creating the Happy Orchard App, which will use gaming and social media to educate users about pollination and food production. Happy Orchard will also help market local foods and promote community vitality. Now, we need your help getting the word out and naming the characters. Looking forward to hearing from all you Next Gen Experts!

Kimmel Education & Research Center

What is the best name for the Blue Orchard Mason Bee pictured below?  Let us know your thoughts while helping us support pollinators.

Our blue bee (yes, it really does exist) is one of our Happy Orchard App characters, and she needs a name!!


Vote for one of the following names:

  1. Abbee
  2. BeeZee
  3. Blue

Write your vote below.  Bonus:  Vote and you will receive a teaspoon of Stock’s Pollinator Mix from Stock Seed Farms.  After you vote, simply email your mailing address to us at so we can send the seeds to you!

If you are in the area for Nebraska City’s annual AppleJack Festival this weekend, make sure to visit us at the Kimmel Education and Research Center so you can take your selfie with our first two characters, help name them and walk away with your packet of seeds.

One of our goals with the Happy…

View original post 99 more words

About AskDrConnie

Helping women over 40 realize their Future through Fabulousness, Family, Finances, Fitness and Fun.
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