I recently paid to boost/promote a blog post on my Facebook page. I will definitely do it again!
To read more about my experience check out BOOSTing your online presence: Is it worth it?
P.S. – read the comments too, there are some good suggestions there too.
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About lindsaychichester
Hi! I am an University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Educator focusing in livestock, agricultural, and food systems. Agriculture runs deep in my veins as I grew up on a cattle and sheep ranch in Northern California, was a 10 year 4-H member, received a formal education in agricultural systems, and have worked a variety of jobs in the industry. I have a Master of Science in Animal Science, a Master of Art in Speech Communications, and a PhD in Systems Agriculture from West Texas A&M University. Join me as I make agriculture fun and exciting while highlighting the science and research.
Lindsay–I always wondered how that worked. Maybe we should all try this once and awhile to get our messages out to new audiences!
I agree! I have given myself a $5-$10 monthly budget to do this. That is 1 cup of coffee or 1 meal away from home. To me that is a great investment in myself and the University! If you try it let me know how it works for you.