Twitter Party!

You’ve most likely heard of them….Twitter parties, Tweet-ups, Chat sessions….they’re called a lot of names.  So what are they?

  • They’re a way for lots of people to interact all at once around an interesting topic!
  • They’re a way to seek feedback and archive a great deal of information.
  • They’re a way to learn and have fun!

So…Tuesday, March 10th at 10:45 a.m. CST, our Next Generation Extension Topic will be on Twitter parties.  We will give a very brief background and then dive in to our own Next Generation Extension Twitter Party!  Feel free to join even if you don’t have a Twitter account!


See you then! :)

About jenreesources

I'm the Agriculture and 4-H Extension Educator for Clay County in Nebraska with a focus in irrigated crop production and plant pathology.
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One Response to Twitter Party!

  1. debforyou says:

    Reblogged this on Kimmel Education & Research Center and commented:
    Twitter Party!

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